

cf. データの整列

sort_by_dic が辞書順に整列する関数,sort_by_dis が距離の昇順に整列する関数。

 type point = Point of float * float
 let compare_point a b =
   match (a, b) with
     (Point (x1, y1), Point (x2, y2)) -> if x1 = x2 then compare y1 y2
                                                    else compare x1 x2
 let distance = function
     Point (x, y) -> sqrt (x *. x +. y *. y)
 let sort_by_dic = List.sort compare_point
 let sort_by_dis = List.sort (fun a b -> compare (distance a) (distance b))


 # sort_by_dic [Point (3.2, 1.9); Point (3.2, 0.3); Point (1.2, 3.5)];;
 - : point list = [Point (1.2, 3.5); Point (3.2, 0.3); Point (3.2, 1.9)]


 # sort_by_dis [Point (3.2, 1.9); Point (3.2, 0.3); Point (1.2, 3.5)];;
 - : point list = [Point (3.2, 0.3); Point (1.2, 3.5); Point (3.2, 1.9)]